Teenage years are supposed to be the best years of a person’s life. A person is at their physically best and possesses optimal health. We fondly remember our adolescence as our most agile and active years without putting a lot of effort. A stamina that older people envy and good health even though teens hardly care for their heath as a person should. But at that age people have different priorities. Generally, parents don’t have to worry about their teen’s health but sometimes even the most healthy teenagers succumb to diseases, some of which could have been avoided with a little care and others which no one could have predicted. And these diseases and disorders leave their mark on a person. Here we list a few diseases the affect teenagers the most!

Anorexia: Teenage is a time when what other people think of you affects a person a lot. To ‘fit in’ teenagersare ready to change themselves into whatever the society wants them to be. And since the skinny and starving look is apparently the hype, teenage girls, mostly, try to achieve the perfection they see in glossy fashion magazines. And the cost for this perfection is many times their health. While over-eating is bad, under diet is not a solution. Your body needs food to survive and fats are an important part of a balanced diet.

Bulimia: Bulimia one can say is just another side of the same coin as anorexia. This eating disorder affects those kids who are fat or who think they are fat. In this, people don’t avoid food, but rather binge on it and then try to compensate for that by forcing themselves to puke or exercises excessively. This extreme method to reduce weight can also lead to compulsive behaviour. People with bulimia aren’t always overweight.
Asthma: One in seven teenagers is affected with asthma. Teenage years are rough for everyone but for teenagers with asthma adolescence can become even rougher. Scientists believe it is due to growing air pollution in cities that cases of asthma in children are rising every year.

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